Every ‘I am okay’ actually means ‘I am totally broken.You won’t ever understand that how much it hurts to let you go.Grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you.Here’s the list of complete Hurt captions for Instagram that you can copy-paste whenever you feel hurt. However, no matter how careful you will be, sometime someday, you might have got hurt by someone special for sure. That’s the fact! Old people often said this, you will be hurt when you expect more from people.

We don’t explore the hidden power within us unless we got hurt from someone. So I wanted to write about how I'm now starting to open my eyes, at 25, to what is going on in the rest of the world, and that it's not always pretty.We human beings are very strange and weird. I hadn't done that I'd just written a bunch of songs about love. "I went back to that great Nina Simone quote, that it is important to speak about the times you live in. "I spent five days in Mosul and came back embarrassed that I had known so little about the world and other people's lives," Smith said to Billboard. He performed "Too Good at Goodbye" and "Pray," the newest single that he revealed is about his time spent in Iraq. Related | Sam Smith Feels Love Lost In 'Too Good At Goodbyes' Video As usual, the singer crooned his way through heartbreaking ballads in a way that only Adele can match in a perfectly somber performance fit for rewatching while rain bounces off your windows and you spoon a pint of ice cream. While Wonder Woman was busy showing off her comedic side on SNL, Sam Smith came through to perform two singles from his long-awaited new album The Thrill of It All.